Leonardo Da Vinci in Natural – Riccardo Magnani

Leonardo Da Vinci in Natural – Riccardo Magnani

riccardo-magnani leonardo da vinciConference on 5 and 6 October 2013 in Pistoia with Riccardo Magnani on Leonardo da Vinci natural, that is beyond the distorting vision of academic dogma. “A particular seemingly anachronistic and without foundation, while if de-encrypted correctly, opens the way to rooms of knowledge that can reveal to us unexpected surprises, even able to rewrite much of what we take for granted until today in academic form, if not even counteract, in a solid manner, part of the dogma that has been given (without of course change their meaning, since by definition a dogma is an incontestable truth, real or presumed to be, and requires absolute obedience).

Riccardo Magnani has found the keys that give access to those rooms and leads us with part of the evidence of his studies, in the journey that ideally a young Leonardo da Vinci, at the time little more than a seven-year, performed in secret, in the years around 1459, between Lecco, the mountains that surround the city, the lake, all the way up in Valtellina, to fulfill the mission given to him on behalf of the Medici in concert with allies of the time, the Sforza, which is to preserve the ancient knowledge that came to Florence at the beginning of ‘400 through the Council, that for the will of Cosimo de’ Medici was to reunite the Church of the West with that of the East. This trip, demonstrating the importance of it, was then taken up in all the paintings of Leonardo, but not limited to: Raphael, Perugino, Ghirlandaio, Pinturicchio, Bosch, Poussin, Kircher, in tribute and to remind of what during this trip Leonardo went to deposit in a dwelling in Valtellina, or the Music, soundtrack bearing the entire universe, which was for Dante Love that moves the sun and other stars, for Caravaggio was the Love that conquers all and for Verdi, in La Traviata, it was just Throb of the Universe. The author leads us expertly through the mysteries of an era that marked in a definitive way, the social, political and economic structures of today, placing a staple in what today will be a new course of Vinci’s study and what derives from it in the artistic, musical and scientific scope, redeeming once and for all also the long-standing and superfluous question of who was the Mona Lisa. Indeed, precisely to define definitively this, the scholar from Lecco offers us a vision of the Mona Lisa by Perugino and Raphael, as well as showing the America portrayed in 1451 by Piero della Francesca and by Botticelli in 1482, as affront to the most colossal historical farces, or the alleged discovery of America in 1492 by Christopher Columbus and much more that you will discover leaving transported by the disarming simplicity with which Riccardo Magnani exposes.

You will learn that there is no mystery, but only knowledge gap. You will learn also that knowledge is not a luxury for the few, but something that belongs to our genetic memory, which we can access freeing us from the mental superstructures of reference.
Organizers : Bianca Fedi – Alessio Biagiotti – Caterina Palermini – Ass. Cul. Grilli Pistoiesi
Camera: reol90
Editing: Patrizia Calzolari
Translation: Riccardo Viola

Riccardo Magnani nasce a Lecco il 25 gennaio 1963. Laureato in Economia e Commercio, da alcuni anni si dedica con profitto allo studio di Leonardo da Vinci, divenendo autore di diverse pubblicazioni nelle quali espone le sue innumerevoli e innovative letture dell’opera leonardesca e rinascimentale in genere. La creazione di questo sito è dedicata all’esclusiva pubblicazione della sua più recente scoperta, ovvero la Ciudad Perdida nel cuore dell’Amazzonia peruviana: il regno del Paititi, l’Eldorado tanto decantato dai Conquistadores spagnoli ma fino ad oggi mai realmente individuato da alcun ricercatore al mondo.

Approfondimenti: L’America in un dipinto del 1451America in a painting from 1451La musica delle sfere di Leonardo da Vinci – Riccardo Magnani

Il libro di Riccardo Magnani “La missione segreta di Leonardo da Vinci”